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A new race is born

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

So in my universe (if I haven't stated) I didn't want to do elves I wanted to do something similar but take away the mythical parts to it and make it like avatar (in a sense) so being an anime fan that I am I went with feline type so I put out there a few months ago to help me with a name and with the help of Facebook I was given the name


I am very happy with this drawing it almost looks like a first family or something lol I will have more details in the future but thank you Kendra for the great name there are two more winners because their names would work for characters in the universe itself

and those two are

(Arilith) for Nekurya and (Theazzieboo) Silent Crawlers

they will be contacted shortly and thank you all

Until next time

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